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Arquivos de Exportação para Entrega de Documentos

Arquivos de Exportação para Entrega de Documentos

The Export Archives feature can be easily used to organize, package, and deliver files, or archive them off-line. Administrators, project managers, and other users who need to save information have the ability to organize and package files, and even hand them off to people who might not be LogicalDOC users.

document delivery

An Export Archive is implemented as a particular folder in the server that can be packed into  DVD, CD, USB  drive, or any other media device. It is very easy to gather and organize a set of documents into export archives where the folder structure and all metadata is retained. Each Export Archive is human readable, can be imported into another LogicalDOC instance and in addition you can open it with the Archive Reader application that includes a search feature to retrieve documents based on property metadata.

Benefits of this feature

  • People can access a portion of your archive without having to be a LogicalDOC user
  • As administrator you can export documents from one LogicalDOC and import them into another instance

Feature details

  • All documents metadata are exported
  • Each archive is a particular folder into the server and can be packed into an external media
  • Each archive has an index html page listing all the content
  • An archive reader application is available to open archives and search the contained documents
  • More details in the Administrator's Guide

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