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Auto naming and Auto folding

Auto naming and Auto folding

You can define how the uploaded documents will be renamed, a set of rules can be configured to reference metadata and numeric sequences in the name of the document.

At the same time, independently from the folder where the document is originally uploaded, you might want to automatically move it to the right folder accordingly to your own logic. In this case you can define a rule to define a path that will be used as the final destination of the document, if this doesn't exist it will automatically created.

If you want to automate the name and/or the target folder of your upcoming or checked-in documents, LogicalDOC allows you to configure different shemas specific to each document template.

Benefits of this feature

  • Define your own names to reach complete compliance with your organization's standards
  • Define the target folders in order to have your documents always stored in the right location
  • Leave LogicalDOC to automatically create the needed paths

Feature details

  • Automated name assignment
  • Configurable identification schemas per document template
  • Numeric sequences(yearly, monthly ...) can be used in the identification schema
  • Document selection and direct editing


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